
World war 3 predictions 2017
World war 3 predictions 2017

world war 3 predictions 2017

The Russian military says major war games, the Zapad (West) 2017 maneuvers, set for next month will not threaten anyone. 12, 2017, in Alabino, outside Moscow, Russia. “In short, it could make the Black Sea into a Russian lake - safeguarding that maritime flank,” he said.Ī man watches Russian military jets performing on Aug.

world war 3 predictions 2017

The port of Sevastopol, Crimea, gives Russia a staging area for “anti-access” weapons in the Black Sea, Holmes said. Russian submarines would slow down seaborne reinforcements to the Baltics, Holmes said. Navy bogged down away from Western Europe. Naval War College.Ĭhina and Iran’s navies could keep major parts of the U.S. “We can hardly pull the entire Navy out of the Pacific to do battle in Europe, lest we sacrifice our Asian alliances along with stakes of immense value,” said James Holmes, a professor at the U.S.

world war 3 predictions 2017

While Atlantic-based Navy assets would be ready to engage, naval experts say Russian maritime maneuvering, along with their allies, will be able to delay and tie up the Navy elsewhere. “What cannot get there in time are the kinds of armored forces required to engage their Russian counterparts on equal terms, delay their advance, expose them to more frequent and more effective attacks from air and land-based fires, and subject them to spoiling counterattacks,” according to the RAND study. land forces, accustomed to air and sea dominance, would face Russian interference with their support and could be on their own for hours, days, and even weeks at a time. NATO infantry was unable to retreat and was destroyed in place. Richard Nash, a former commander in Bosnia.ĭuring recent war games, NATO tried to use indigenous forces to assist - “the outcome was, bluntly, a disaster for NATO,” according the RAND study. “I think it’s very easy to consider a scenario where small units of NATO forces, to include American forces, could in fact be overwhelmed in the event of an attack,” said retired Army Maj. That formation will be gone in 10 minutes against the Russians.”Ī Russian strike through Belarus into the Baltics would be so “quick and overwhelming” that, “like with Crimea,” NATO would have to accept that those states are now in the Russian orbit, said retired Army Maj. “That would be fine on the Mexican border. Doug Macgregor, referring to the new Strykers that are outfitted with a 30mm cannon. sanctions on Tehran.“A good example is the upgunned Stryker,” said retired Army Col. officials travel to Caracas for the first time since 2019, and the Biden administration pushes to finalize negotiations on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement and lifting U.S. Meanwhile, the Biden administration considers smoothing rocky relations with Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela in the hope that those countries will supply more oil. The United States and other members of the International Energy Agency announce plans to collectively release sixty million barrels of oil from strategic reserves. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle call for boosting domestic oil production, though some in Congress urge a quicker transition to renewable energy. In response to near-record gasoline prices, U.S. Oil prices, already rising in the wake of the pandemic, surge to their highest level since 2008. imports of oil from Russia, and Western sanctions cause energy companies to withdraw from the country. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine causes turmoil in global oil markets.

World war 3 predictions 2017