
Fugu poisonous parts
Fugu poisonous parts

fugu poisonous parts

It's the episode where Homer Simpson accidentally eats the poisonous fish and think he is going to die.

#Fugu poisonous parts series#

He's probably seen the Fugu episode on the Simpsons: the famous cartoon series on TV. Think about this: What would happen if we believe in everything other people say, or keep changing our beliefs every time we hear other people's opinion? It would be hard to keep track of your own opinion and certainly becomes confusing, for both you and people around you, because you will appear as if you have no opinion, changing your beliefs minute by minute. Once our brain believes in something, it's very difficult to overturn that belief due to how humans developed our brain to adapt complex social world we created. I've read a book which says that human brains are incredibly inflexible when it comes to changed a formed opinion or belief.

fugu poisonous parts

Their mind is already made up, so I know no matter what I say, they will not going to believe me and stick to what they already heard, or believe, whether that is true or not. I know they don't really care about the answer. I feel it's always challenging to answer these type of questions, especially when the person who is asking me the question is young and drunk. "Oh, yes, of course," I replied hesitantly, thinking, oh no, yet it's another question about fugu, not again.

fugu poisonous parts

"Have you eaten Fugu?" A young male customer at the sushi bar asked me.

Fugu poisonous parts